PDSA - Week 12 (As Extra Content)String matchingBrute force approachBoyer-Moore AlgorithmRabin-Karp AlgorithmKnuth-Morris-Pratt algorithmTriesRegular expression
Searching for a pattern is a fundamental problem when dealing with text
Editing a document
Answering an internet search query
Looking for a match in a gene sequence
occurs in banana
at two positions
A text string t
of length n
A pattern string p
of length m
Both t
and p
are drawn from an alphabet of valid letters, denoted Σ
Find every position i
in t such that t[i:i+m] == p
Nested scan from left to right in t
1def stringmatch(t,p):
2 poslist = []
3 for i in range(len(t)-len(p)+1):
4 matched = True
5 j = 0
6 while j < len(p) and matched:
7 if t[i+j] != p[j]:
8 matched = False
9 j = j+1
10 if matched:
11 poslist.append(i)
12 return(poslist)
11[0, 2, 7, 14, 16]
Nested scan from right to left
131def stringmatchrev(t,p):
2 poslist = []
3 for i in range(len(t)-len(p)+1):
4 matched = True
5 j = len(p)-1
6 while j >= 0 and matched:
7 if t[i+j] != p[j]:
8 matched = False
9 j = j-1
10 if matched:
11 poslist.append(i)
12 return(poslist)
11[0, 2, 7, 14, 16]
Speeding up the brute force algorithm
Text t
, pattern p
of of lengths n
, m
For each starting position i
in t
, compare t[i:i+m]
with p
Scan t[i:i+m]
right to left
While matching, we find a letter in t
that does not appear in p
t = bananamania
, p = bulk
Shift the next scan to position after mismatched letter
What if the mismatched letter does appear in p
Initialize last[c]
for each c
in p
Single scan, rightmost value is recorded
Nested loop, compare each segment t[i:i+len(p)]
with p
If p
matches, record and shift by 1
We find a mismatch at t[i+j]
If j > last[t[i+j]]
, shift by j - last[t[i+j]]
If last[t[i+j]] > j
, shift by 1
Should not shift p
to left!
If t[i+j]
not in p
, shift by j+1
231def boyermoore(t,p):
2 last = {} # Preprocess
3 for i in range(len(p)):
4 last[p[i]] = i
5 poslist=[]
6 i = 0
7 while i <= (len(t)-len(p)):
8 matched,j = True,len(p)-1
9 while j >= 0 and matched:
10 if t[i+j] != p[j]:
11 matched = False
12 j = j - 1
13 if matched:
14 poslist.append(i)
15 i = i + 1
16 else:
17 j = j + 1
18 if t[i+j] in last.keys():
19 i = i + max(j-last[t[i+j]],1)
20 else:
21 i = i + j + 1
22 return(poslist)
11[0, 7]
Worst case remains
If t = aaa...a, p = baaa
Suppose Σ = {0, 1, . . . , 9}
Any string over Σ can be thought of as a number in base 10
Each substring of length
151def rabinkarp(t,p):
2 poslist = []
3 numt,nump = 0,0
4 for i in range(len(p)):
5 numt = 10*numt + int(t[i])
6 nump = 10*nump + int(p[i])
7 if numt == nump:
8 poslist.append(0)
9 for i in range(1,len(t)-len(p)+1):
10 numt = numt - int(t[i-1])*(10**(len(p)-1))
11 numt = 10*numt + int(t[i+len(p)-1])
12 if numt == nump:
13 poslist.append(i)
14 return(poslist)
11[0, 4, 6, 13]
Preprocessing time is
To convert t[0:m]
, p
to numbers
Worst case for general alphabets is
Every block t[i:i+m]
may have same remainder modulo q
as the pattern p
Must validate each block explicitly, like brute force
In practice number of spurious matches will be small
If |Σ| is small enough to not require modulo arithmetic, overall time is
Also if we can choose q
carefully to ensure
Rabin Karp Implementation for strings
311def rabin_karp(text, pattern):
2 match_found =[]
3 n = len(text)
4 m = len(pattern)
5 # Prime number to use for the hash function
6 prime = 101
7 # Calculate the hash value of the pattern
8 pattern_hash = 0
9 for i in range(m):
10 pattern_hash += ord(pattern[i])
11 pattern_hash = pattern_hash % prime
13 # Calculate the hash value of the first substring of the text
14 text_hash = 0
15 for i in range(m):
16 text_hash += ord(text[i])
17 text_hash = text_hash % prime
18 # Iterate through the text, checking for matches with the pattern
19 for i in range(n - m + 1):
20 # Check if the current substring matches the pattern
21 if text_hash == pattern_hash and text[i:i+m] == pattern:
22 match_found.append(i)
23 # Calculate the hash value of the next substring
24 if i < n - m:
25 text_hash = (text_hash - ord(text[i]) + ord(text[i+m]))
26 text_hash = text_hash % prime
27 # No match found
28 return match_found
29text = 'abcdbabcdb'
30pattern = 'abcdb'
31print(rabin_karp(text, pattern))
11[0, 5]
Compute the automaton for p
Match p
against itself
match[j] = k
if suffix of p[:j+1]
matches prefix p[:k]
Suppose suffix of p[:j+1]
matches prefix p[:k]
If p[j+1]
== p[k]
, extend the match
Otherwise try to find a shorter prefix that can be extended by p[j+1]
Usually refer to match as failure function fail
Where to fall back if match fails
Computing the fail function
Initialize fail[j] = 0
for all j
keeps track of length of current match
is next position to update fail
If p[j] == p[k]
extend the match, set fail[j] = k+1
If p[j] != p[k]
find a shorter prefix that matches suffix of p[:j]
Step back to fail[k-1]
If we don’t find a nontrivial prefix to extend, retain fail[j] = 0
, move to next position
Implementation of fail function
141def kmp_fail(p):
2 m = len(p)
3 fail = [0 for i in range(m)]
4 j,k = 1,0
5 while j < m:
6 if p[j] == p[k]:
7 fail[j] = k+1
8 j,k = j+1,k+1
9 elif k > 0:
10 k = fail[k-1]
11 else:
12 j = j+1
13 return(fail)
11[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Implementation of KMP algorithm
Scan t
from beginning
is next position in t
is currently matched position in p
If t[j] == p[k]
extend the match
If t[j] != p[k]
, update match prefix
If we reach the end of the while loop, no match
x1def kmp_fail(p):
2 m = len(p)
3 fail = [0 for i in range(m)]
4 j,k = 1,0
5 while j < m:
6 if p[j] == p[k]:
7 fail[j] = k+1
8 j,k = j+1,k+1
9 elif k > 0:
10 k = fail[k-1]
11 else:
12 j = j+1
13 return(fail)
15def find_kmp(t, p):
16 match =[]
17 n,m = len(t),len(p)
18 if m == 0:
19 match.append(0)
20 fail = kmp_fail(p)
21 j = 0
22 k = 0
23 while j < n:
24 if t[j] == p[k]:
25 if k == m - 1:
26 match.append(j - m + 1)
27 k = 0
28 j = j - m + 2
29 else:
30 j,k = j+1,k+1
31 elif k > 0:
32 k = fail[k-1]
33 else:
34 j = j+1
35 return(match)
11[0, 2, 8]
The Knuth, Morris, Pratt algorithm efficiently computes the automaton describing prefix matches in the pattern p
Complexity of preprocessing the fail function is
After preprocessing, can check matches in the text t in
Overall, KMP algorithm works in time
A trie is a special kind of tree
From “information retrieval”
Pronounced try, distinguish from tree
Rooted tree
Other than root, each node labelled by a letter from Σ
Children of a node have distinct labels
Each maximal path is a word
One word should not be a prefix of another
Add special end of word symbol $
Build a trie T
from a set of words S
with s
words and n
total symbols
To search for a word w
, follow its path
If the node we reach has $
as a successor represent
is a prefix of some
Build a trie T
from a set of words S
with s
words and n
total symbols
Basic properties for T built from S
Height of T
A node has at most |Σ| children
The number of leaves in T
is s
The number of nodes in T
is n + 1
, plus s nodes labelled $
Implementation of Tries
311class Trie:
2 def __init__(self,S=[]):
3 self.root = {}
4 for s in S:
5 self.add(s)
6 def add(self,s):
7 curr = self.root
8 s = s + "$"
9 for c in s:
10 if c not in curr.keys():
11 curr[c] = {}
12 curr = curr[c]
13 def query(self,s):
14 curr = self.root
15 for c in s:
16 if c not in curr.keys():
17 return(False)
18 curr = curr[c]
19 if "$" in curr.keys():
20 return(True)
21 else:
22 return(False)
24T = Trie()
Tries are useful to preprocess fixed text for multiple searches
Searching for p
is proportional to length of p
Main drawback of a trie is size
Suffix Tries
Expand S
to include all suffixes
For simplicity, assume S = {s}
suffix(S) = {w | ∃v, vw = s}
Build a trie for suffix(S)
Use $
to mark end of word
Suffix trie for S
Using a suffix trie we can answer the following
Is w
a substring of s
How many times does w
occur as a substring in s
What is the longest repeated substring in s
Implementation of suffix tries
241class SuffixTrie:
2 def __init__(self,s):
3 self.root = {}
4 s = s + "$"
5 for i in range(len(s)):
6 curr = self.root
7 for c in s[i:]:
8 if c not in curr.keys():
9 curr[c] = {}
10 curr = curr[c]
11 def followPath(self,s):
12 curr = self.root
13 for c in s:
14 if c not in curr.keys():
15 return(None)
16 curr = curr[c]
17 return(curr)
18 def hasSuffix(self,s):
19 node = self.followPath(s)
20 return(node is not None and "$" in node.keys())
21ST = SuffixTrie('card')
21{'r': {'d': {'$': {}}}}
use lecture's slides